Today's topic was inspired by Princess as well. Thanks, Princess!
Princess has been dating this dude...we'll call him, "Doc." Doc has had his eye on Princess since he first saw her. He finally made his move and she obliged. The two of them have since been dating. It's been about a month and a half. The couple moved pretty quickly, having many dates, public appearances, meeting the friends and roommates, etc. But Doc is afraid of committment, obviously. Doc treats Princess like a girlfriend. They kiss in the bar, she spends the night on weeknights, they hold hands and everything.
When Doc and Princess go to Doc's most frequented bar, Doc's friends always address Princess as "Doc's girlfriend." The sad part is that Princess wants to be Doc's girlfriend but Doc doesn't want to call Princess his girlfriend. Instead he wants to act like he is in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship but not REALLY be in one. Doc probably just wants the freedom to bury his bone in other places and get away with it.
The thing is, Doc will not get away with it! Princess will be hurt and leave.
Fellas, if you treat her like she's your girlfriend, then she IS your girlfriend, whether you call her that or not. Here's why. If you treat a girl like your girlfriend, her emotions will think she is your girlfriend. So when you go boink the jump off from down the street and your main girl finds out, she's going to be truly hurt, betrayed, confused and angry because these are emotions...and the emotions think they are in a relationship.
The best way to avoid this is to just be I told you in first post. Let the woman know what the deal is from jump. She might be down for just fucking. You don't even have to do all that taking her out on dates and making her feel special. Why even bother with that if you aren't trying to win her heart for a relationship? All you're doing is wasting time by putting that extra work in.
Now if you're one of those dudes who does this on purpose because you want freedom but you don't want her to fuck around, well then you're just a selfish bastard! Make up your mind. Either you want a relationship, committment and all that goes with it, or you wanna be single and play the game. Don't pull anyone along on a string. Would you want that done to you? Don't think so...
So what do you want, man? Jump-off? Fuck-buddy? Friend with Benefits? Girlfriend? Decide and let her know.