Today's topic is entitled, "SEX: We Like Doing It Just As Much As You Do!"
This topic was inspired and brought to you by the author of the blog "JAYDESTASY" which can be found right over there ----> under the "FOLLOW ME" twitter gadget, under "Kiah*Boo Thinks You Should Check These Out Too."
So fellas, how many times have you gotten a phone call from a female you fcuked asking for you to come over after you were just there last week and you felt pressured? You told her that you couldn't come through and she seemed disappointed. She called the next day or some other day asking the same thing. You explain that you aren't looking for committment and you can't give her the time she requests. She explains to you that she really just wants you to do a drive-by. Ya know, just drive by, give her the business and then you can go about your merry way. You say something like, "yeah, whatever," in your head and still assume she wants more than what she just told you she wanted. You assume she really just wants you to come over and watch a movie or father her kids...whatever crazy ideas y'all come up with that completely contradict what the FCUK she just told you. Why is that? Since when were men afraid of pussy?
Here's the problem. You're not reading the signs. You're too busy talking to other knuckleheaded dudes about how "Women are unstable creatures! Women are just too emotional. Women can't handle their feelings. Women don't know what they want." GRRRR! Well I'm here to tell you the truth, brotha! If a woman says she just wants to fcuk you, GODDAMMIT, SHE JUST WANTS TO FCUK YOU!!
If she calls you and asks you to come over, and the last time you came over, y'all fcuked, what makes you think today will be any different? I really believe that the fellas think this way because they just do not realize that women actually like sex! The mere thought of women liking sex just as much as men do just boggles their minds. I'll give you one more thought that is just my personal opinion, but uh...I'll even venture to say that women like sex MORE than men do. Women can have sex with someone who doesn't make them achieve orgasm and still call it enjoyable. Let a man get to fcuking and not nut. He'll tell you the pussy was garbage! The only thing that maybe stops women from being so vocal about it and what stops us from being such hounds about it is the fact that we'd be called all the whorish names in the book if we acted toward sex as men do. And since every man wants to marry the classy good girl, we keep our mouths and our legs closed.
Moral of the story, if the woman tells you she just wants you to come over and give her the business, don't worry. That's all she wants.